Keeping yourself safe in an abusive relationship
Updated: Sep 29, 2020
Steps you can take to keep yourself and your children safe when you're living in an abusive relationship.
Be ready to call 999 if you or your children are in danger
Make notes of abusive incidents, including times, dates, names and details of injuries – these can be important if you need to access legal and welfare rights
Keep copies of abusive text messages, emails and letters
Keep some money and a set of keys in a safe place
Find out about your legal and housing rights – talk to a solicitor if possible, our IDVA's can help with this
Explore what civil or criminal options might be available to you, including restraining orders and injunctions such as non-molestation and occupation orders (which can ban a perpetrator from your home)
Keep copies of important papers (passports, birth certificates, court orders, marriage certificate) in a safe place
Carry a list of emergency numbers: police, relatives, friends, WWiN 0800 066 5555 and the National Domestic Violence Helpline
Tell someone you trust about the abuse
Make calls from a phone box or a friend’s house
Report any injuries to your GP so there is a record of the abuse
Talk to family and friends about staying with them in an emergency
Think about safe escape routes
Remember, above all, the abuse is not your fault and WWiN are here to support you.